Thursday, September 6, 2007

Welcome to The Celery Stalk

I just really stink at naming things. Except for my children - that came relatively easily. But a blog? What to name a blog? I see all these catchy little titles and I think "Wow, that's cute and easy to remember! Why can't I think of something like that" That's actually the real reason I never had a blog - I wanted a catchy title and couldn't think of anything. Then last night I was talking to a friend of mine about my affinity for natural parenting and she said "You're so green and crunchy" And you know what? I am! I'm totally green and!

Then this morning I was putting my youngest down for a nap and it hit me - The Amish always plant a lot of celery when one of the women in their families is planning a wedding and serve it at the wedding dinner because it's supposed to mean lots of children. Lots of children...hmmm.. is four a lot? I think so. So there's the second reason. So as soon as everyone was sleeping I quickly hopped on here to create MY BLOG! I had to hurry because it seems to be a theme in my life that as soon as I think of something grand, someone else has already thought of it. But this time, I got here first.

And if you've read that entire long-winded reason behind the name of my blog, then I applaud you.

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