Monday, October 29, 2007

Do you believe???

Here's a picture from our pumpkin-carving adventure last night. Dave, Bodie, Bodie's pumpkin, and ???? Grandma Kathryn maybe? And just for comparison, check out the second picture, taken just seconds later.

I believe. I think it's nice to think that once we're gone from this earth, we're not just sleeping in our graves waiting. I'd like to think we can still watch over our loved ones and yes, even take part in a pumpkin carving now and then. She never got to meet Bodie, so I think it's neat to have a picture with both of them in it. Hi Kathryn, we miss you!!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


When do kids learn to lie? Is it just an ability that's hardwired in our brains? Does it just spurn from an active imagination?

Maggie: *cry, scream* Owie smacked me!!!
Mom: Owen, did you smack Maggie?
Owen: Nope.
Maggie: Yes! Owie smacked me on my back
Mom (after examining Maggie's back): Owen, did you smack your sister?
Owen: Nope-y.
Mom: Then how did she get this mark on her back?
Owen: Mae mae hit a deer with her truck.

I'd have to give him bonus points for creativity, but he's still got a way to go on believability.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Lincoln Logs

Remember these? These were some of the only toys that could actually keep me and my brothers occupied for more than 5 minutes. Especially my brothers. Mom and Dad brought over a bunch a few weeks ago and they have proven that no matter how many annoying flashing, singing, buzzing or beeping toys they make, nothing compares with the oldies that allow kids to use their imaginations and create something. Owen, Maggie and I made this cabin this morning. Well, Owen and I made it and Maggie tried to destroy it every chance she got. Obviously, the owner is a tow-truck driver. I won't go as far as to say these are quiet toys, though. Anyone who's ever heard a tonka dump truck load of them hitting a tile floor can attest to that.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Pillowcase Dress

I've decided that sewing is a good way for me to maintain my sanity so I'm damn well going to find some time to do it. I'm horrible at finishing projects, but was able to do this in just a couple of hours so I started it last night and finished it up this morning while the kids were in occular lock watching Diego. Blush.

I found this cute little vintage pillowcase at an estate sale and as soon as I saw it, I knew it was destined to become a dress for my little cowgirl. It was backed in this ugly feedsack fabric and wasn't quite long enough, so I improvised by changing the backing and adding a little ruffle on the bottom. I'm quite proud of it, actually; especially since I tend to shy away from any sewing project that doesn't use a pattern. Of course it's going to be too cold soon for a sundress, but I think it would still be hella cute with a turtleneck and some tights.