Friday, March 28, 2008

Paper Towel Rolls

You should see my craft cabinet. I hate to throw stuff away, as many of you know, so the craft cabinet has become my favorite place to stash stuff like the bags onions come in, oatmeal boxes, and paper towel know, stuff most people put in the trash.

Owen discovered the overflowing supply of paper towel rolls and decided to start just painting them. Just painting. I had no idea what his grand plan was, but it kept him quiet. He did two and then decided he was going to glue them together to make an airplane - no prompting from me, totally his idea. I figured yarn would hold better than glue, though.

Then he decided to start painting some for Maggie, who caught on and started painting herself. I was a little at a loss when she said she wanted to make a castle out of them. Hmmmm, how do you make a castle out of five paper towel rolls? But WAIT! I had almost forgotten about my stash of cardboard boxes that I'll never use up in the loft. Viola! A castle. Nevermind that Dave says it looks like Mead. What does a dad know about a castle?

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