Those of you who know Bodie know he's a man of few words. He really only talks about things that are important to him. He added another phrase to his repetoire: "treat-treat". And he perfected "thank you" and "bye" while he was at it. It took him one house to catch on to the idea that this whole dressing up like a goof and knocking on stranger's door equaled candy. And it took him just a few minutes to discover that if you chew a small hole in the corner of a Hershey bar wrapper, and then squeeze the bar in your hands, you can actually suck the chocolate through the hole.
You thought I was kidding about the brain for dinner, didn't you. Well, it's true. And here's picture to prove it. The really funny part is that I managed to actually convince Owen that I had slain a monster, cooked its brain for dinner, cooked some bats (bowtie pasta) in its guts, and floated its eyeballs in a dish. Seriously. Funniest. Thing. Ever. 
Have I mentioned Maggie really loves her cat? But what Witch doesn't love her cat, right?
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