Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Still Here

Ack! We're still here. We're running around like crazy, but we're case anyone was wondering.

Softball is over. Swimming has started. We have two goats now, and I'm milking one of them. I want to learn to make cheese, and I've made yogurt and fudge and just got an ice cream maker. I have six chickens living in my bathtub. The mudroom is this close to being finished. The land is almost ours. Not long now. I'm trying hard to garden organically, but my hatred for both potato bugs and Johnson grass knows no bounds. Sevin dust and roundup are sounding very very appealing right now.

The pool is open, the kids are barefoot, and suntanned and dirty, and their knees are skinned. I have...ahem..."flowers" (wild carrot weeds and stalks of johnson grass) decorating my island, clothes on the line, and lightening bugs in a jar...crap...I knew I forgot something last night. I guess summer's here!

Hope life's treating you all well!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your children's public demands pictures. Glad to hear you are having a nice calm, relaxing and sedentary summer. HA HA.