Forget all the Christmas presents in the world. Just get Maggie a Navity scene and she'll be happy. She's obsessed with the baby Jesus...carries him around CONSTANTLY! I've dug him out of her Barbie car, unwrapped him from the Bonka Jane (poor kid) and last night I had to pry him from her fist after she was asleep. "He's cwyin' ", she says. I tried to explain that he was, supposedly, a very quiet baby so he's probably not know... the little Lord Jesus, no crying he makes. She's not buying it. Plus she wants to know why his diaper is not covering his butt. I'm not even going to try to get into the swaddling clothes conversation so I just let that one go. And Owen is quite confused because animals go in barns, not people. So everytime I turn around, the Holy Family, the wise men and the shepherd are out in the cold and the animals have free reign of the barn. But we only have a few animals, so they add in some hippos and tigers from their toys.
Check out this gummy grin. It's one of, if not the last one caught on film. Those are some seriously swollen gums, and I'm beginning to understand why the poor thing hasn't been sleeping worth crap. I'll miss the gummy grins :(
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