We've been knee-deep in getting ready for Christmas here. Usually, this time of year I'm stressed beyond belief, but I feel somehow better this year. We've been taking it slow and easy, doing little things everyday to get ready, reading lots of stories, decorating, baking and doing some simple crafts. It's been very relaxing and fulfilling. I'm not feeling the need to go crazy trying to get every little thing done. I've slowed down. We string popcorn for the tree in the evenings. I'm crocheting Bodie a pair of mittens. I won't get the rest of the outside lights put on the fence, and I don't really care.
Two weeks ago, Dave went out to get a tree. I knew when I saw it hanging off the bed of his truck that it was going to get interesting. This is one gargantuan tree! I grew up with a huge tree, so I'm used to it. It smells wonderful!

We made orange pomanders a few days ago. This is such a stress-relieving activity! Even the littlest ones can take part - just pre-poke the holes for them. Or if you're like me, heck, just hand your 20 month-old a metal skewer and let him do it himself!

this ? Here's the sequel. Note that this year, Mommy's nativity is up high, and the kiddie nativity is on their level. Did that stop her? Of course not. Look closely and you'll see that there is a pig hanging where the angel goes, and the angel is in the manger. Today I woke up to Balthasar making an offering to what appeared to be either a dead or very tired sheep.

Last night we hosted a playdate and made sun ornaments to celebrate the solstice. It was a lot of fun and very messy. I love hosting playdates because having people over is the only thing that will motivate me to really clean my house. The fact that 6 preschoolers have a tendency to wear each other out is a nice bonus.